SAP CO/PS Consultant

Stellengesuch-ID: 3585
Aktualisierung am: Aktualisierung angefragt
Zur Person
Geschlecht: weiblich
Alter: 46
Wohnort: Zagreb, Croatia (PLZ: 01)
I am a SAP Controlling / Project System consultant with experience in:
-Business processes analysis, design, redesign and customizing
- Integration testing of business processes and documentation
- End user training and delivering of training materials
CV / Lebenslauf Kein CV bereitgestellt
Aus- und Weiterbildung Schulabschluß: Faculty of Economics, Zagreb
Studium: Organization and Management
Abschlußnote: 4.4 (4/5; 4=very good)
Sonstiges: At the moment, I am at the end of my postgraduate studies in Faculty of Economics.
SAP-Kenntnisse SAP-Schwerpunkte: CO (Controlling), PS (Project System)
SAP-Erfahrung seit: February, 2005
Berufs- und Projekterfahrung Letzte Position: CO team leader
Branche: Informatics, Economics
Anstellungen und Projekte:
-SAP Consultant in b4b, Zagreb:

•Project Mepha/Teva, Ulm (Germany)/Aesch (Switzerland), 2012., CO team leader
•Project HTMO, Mostar,2011., CO team member
•Project FINA d.d., Zagreb, 2009., 2010., PS team member
•FESB, Split, 2010., SAP standard course PLM210 instructor
•Faculty of Economics, Zagreb, 2009., SAP standard course AC040 instructor
•Project CROSCO, Zagreb, 2009., PS team member
•Project DELTA, Belgrade, 2007.- 2008., CO team member
•SAP West Balkan, Novi Sad, 2007., SAP standard course AC410 and AC415 instructor
•Project NIS, Novi Sad, 2007., education of end users

-Controlling Specialist in Administration in
Metro Cash and Carry, Zagreb:

•Monthly reports – Actual & Forecast
•Yearly Budget
•Cost monitoring and controlling
•Daily statistics report
•FTE reports (Full Time Equivalent) for Human Resources Department
•Customer reports
•Ad hoc analysis

-Business Analyst in PLIVA, Zagreb
Sonstiges Muttersprache: Croatian
Sprachkenntisse: Very good knowledge of English language. Basic knowledge of German language, but in progress.
Sonstiges: mountaineering, cycling, reading
Gewünschte Anstellung Anstellungsform: Festanstellung in Vollzeit
Gesuchte Position: CO consultant / business analyst
Reisebereitschaft: ja
Bevorzugte Einsatzregion: bundesweit (Ulm, München, Stuttgart, Frankfurt)
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